Add Awake Business


List my AWAKE Business or organisation in this Awake Business Directory for FREE!
OR select one of the paid options to help support this service and for additional features, faster approval & greater exposure.

Can I use this AWAKE Directory if I am not "AWAKE"?

There are two (2) aspects to this question:

1. Can non-AWAKE people use this directory to find trusted businesses and services: Yes, absolutely!

2. Can non-AWAKE businesses LIST/Advertise their non-awake business or services in this AWAKE Business Directory? As the name of this directory clearly indicates, it is a service that has been set up specifically for the Awake community in Australia. We respectfully ask that if you are not Awake, that you do NOT LIST your business within this “Awake Aussies Business Directory”, in accordance with our terms & conditions. Does everyone within the listed business need to be Awake? No, but the owner or management does.

NB. Below is an “Australian Business Directory”, that is for everyone, regardless of your Awake status, right here:  Find it Now Business Directory

By submitting this form, you agree to our terms & conditions. You can read our terms and conditions here > (opens in a new window)

Your Details

Enter your name.
Enter your email address.

Enter Listing Details

Select your package.
Enter the title.
Enter a description
Enter your business or listing website. Include https://
You can upload your company logo.
Drop file here


Allowed file types: .jpg, .jpe, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .ico, .webp
You can upload more than one image to create a image gallery on the details page.
Drop files here


Allowed file types: .jpg, .jpe, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .ico, .webp, .avif
(You can upload 5 files)
Please drag & drop the files to rearrange the order
You can enter phone number,cell phone number etc.
You can enter the contact email for your listing.
Tags are short keywords, with no space within.(eg: business, computers, plumbing).
AccommodationAccountantsAdvertisingArtists, Arts & CraftsAttractionsAutomotive Repairs & ServicingAutomotive Sales & LeasingBlogs & ForumsBoating & MarineBook Services & SalesBuilding & ConstructionBuilding InspectionsBusinessCamping & OutdoorsCharities & Not for ProfitChildcareChristian Merchandise & GiftsChurchesCleaners & Cleaning ProductsClothingCoaching & MentoringComputers & TechnologyCounselling & TherapyDesign & GraphicsDirectoriesElectricians & ElectricalEngineeringEntertainmentEvangelismFinanceFoodFuneralsGardeningGraphic DesignHair & BeautyHandyman & MaintenanceHealthHoliday & RecreationHospitalityHouse & HomeInsuranceIT & InternetLaw & LegalMarketingMediaMedicalMidwives & Birthing relatedMiningMinistryMiscellaneousMusic & MusiciansNaturopathsNews & MediaOffice SpacesPainting & PaintersPest Treatments & InspectionsPetsPhotographyPlasteringPlumbingPoliticians & PoliticsPrintingPublishingReal EstateRecruitment & EmploymentRehab / Rehabilitation ServicesRemovals & StorageRestaurants, Cafes & CateringRetailSafety & SecuritySchools & EducationSolarSports & SportingSuperannuationTattooistsToys & GamesTrades & ServicesTraining & EducationTransportTravel & HolidayWeb DesignWeddingsWholesalers
SELECT listing categories FROM here (free listing = 1 category only; paid = multiple categories)
The default category can affect the listing URL and map marker.
Please enter the listing street address. eg. 230 Church Rd or simply put the nearest city if you don't wish to display a street address
Click on above field and type to filter list.
Click on above field and type to filter list or add a new region.
Click on above field and type to filter list or add a new city.
Please enter listing Post Code
Click on “Set Address on Map” and then you can also drag map marker to locate the correct address
Please enter latitude for google map perfection. eg. : 39.955823048131286
Please enter longitude for google map perfection. eg. : -75.14408111572266
You can enter your business or listing Facebook URL.
You can enter your business or listing instagram url.
You can enter your business or listing Twitter URL.
Paste your youtube channel url here
Add video url or code here, YouTube, Vimeo etc.
Preview Listing

 If your desired category is missing from our list, simply select the category “Miscellaneous” and let us know here (opens in new window) so that we can add the new category.